Coconano – 100% Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (500ml)

$28.90 w/ GST

Coconano is a patented cold pressed 100% Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  It is filled with natural phytonutrients and anti-oxidant properties. The oil contains an abundance of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) which when metabolised, will produce ketone bodies. Ketones are used as a source of energy for the heart and the brain.

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil include:

  • Promotes a healthy metabolism
  • Boosts strength & energy
  • Facilitates weight management
  • Protects against body inflammation
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves detoxification in the liver
  • Improves the digestive system
  • Promotes healthy and beautiful hair & skin

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Coconano is a patented cold pressed 100% Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  It is filled with natural phytonutrients and anti-oxidant properties. The oil contains an abundance of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) which when metabolised, will produce ketone bodies. Ketones are used as a source of energy for the heart and the brain.

MCTs (Medium-Chain Triglycerides) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil equates to mummy’s breast milk. The same grass roots that protect baby from infections and disease by building baby’s immune system.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil works the same way too!

MCTs when consumed, form Monocaprin, Monocaprylin & Monolaurin. These monoglycerides possess Anti–Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Microbial properties that can help cure various diseases.

They work by destroying lipid-coated viruses which includes HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

Studies have shown a great number of diseases that can be overcome by medium chain monoglycerides for which Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the main precursor.

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil include:

  • Promotes a healthy metabolism
  • Boosts strength & energy
  • Facilitates weight management
  • Protects against body inflammation
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves detoxification in the liver
  • Improves the digestive system
  • Promotes healthy and beautiful hair & skin

How is Coconano Different:

  • Our modern technological facilities, ensures a consistent premium quality product
  • We employ hygienic processing standards that ensures zero bacterial contamination
  • Our stringent quality control, begins with the selection of the freshest raw material, from material, from harvest through to the final production, ensures that the natural goodness is maintained
  • Our product is preservative and chemical free, without any refining, bleaching or deodorising, thus ensuring it’s natural goodness
  • Our product is fully certified to International standards, including HACCP, GMP as well as USDA and JAS Organic Certification
  • Our Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, has a delicate sweet aroma, with great palatability for direct consumption

Usage Directions of Coconano Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO)

1. Food Blending or Dressing

  • Blend 2 tablespoons of EVCO into milo, milk or yogurt per serving
  • Blend 2 tablespoons of EVCO into rice, porridge or pasta per serving or as salad dressing

  2. For Cooking

  • Ideal at low heat temperature
  • Can be used in almost everything stir fries, baking, smoothies instead of usual frying oil
  • It can be used to replace butter and margarine
  • As a completely stable saturated fat, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated

  3. Direct Consumption (Best before meal)

Recommended Dosage:

1 teaspoon (5gm) to 1 tablespoon (14gm) 3 times daily


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